Who we are
BFLGI is an alliance of organisations and individuals working together to advocate for policies which protect the right to good health of all infants, young children, mothers, parents, and families by addressing practices that commercialise infant and young child feeding, threaten breastfeeding and undermine good health.
Our members include individuals from academic disciplines including medicine, nursing, dietetics and public health and representatives from national organisations such as the Association of Lactation Consultants of Ireland, Cuidiú, Friends of Breastfeeding and La Leche League Ireland.
BFLGI is a voluntary organisation, part of a network including BFLG UK and Code Monitoring Northern Ireland and is a member of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN).
BFLGI is a also member of the Coalition 2030 alliance, who are working towards upholding Ireland’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
What we do
BFLGI advocates to implement and enforce existing laws that relate to infant and young child feeding and health as well as campaigning for stronger legislation aligned with The Code.
We provide information to promote awareness and understanding of The Code to a range of stakeholders.
In addition, and to aid our advocacy, we support monitoring of violations of Irish laws and violations of The Code that are not yet covered under Irish or EU Regulations. If you wish to report a violation of the Code please do so here.
We provide signposting for organisations and individuals on how to report violations to the relevant authorities in Ireland.
BFLGI participates in public consultations at Irish, European and Global levels to provide representation for the full scope of The Code, as well as on other matters that support, protect and promote breastfeeding.
If you are interested in becoming a member of BFLGI please email info@bflgireland.ie for details.