Baby Feeding Law Group Ireland
BFLGI was established to benefit society by advocating for policies which protect the right to good health of all infants, young children, mothers, parents, and families by addressing practices that commercialise infant and young child feeding, threaten breastfeeding and undermine good health.
BFLGI aims:
- to advocate for protection of infant and maternal health through strengthening of Irish legislation, regulations, guidance, and policies to bring them in line with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code) and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions.
- to monitor directly, and in collaboration, with relevant organisations and state bodies, the advertising, marketing and promotional activities of the manufacturers and suppliers of breast milk substitutes, drinks for young children, foodstuffs aimed at infants and young children, and other items included in the scope of the International Code.
- to challenge those activities that mislead and/or commercialise infant and young child feeding (IYCF), and which fail to comply with legal requirements, with agreed marketing standards and codes, and recognised best practice for protection of IYCF.
- to promote the importance and provision of accurate information about infant and young child feeding to facilitate fully informed decision-making, free from commercial influence that may distort judgement and affect decisions.
- to work collaboratively with other like-minded organisations, and to participate and represent Ireland as a member of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN).
- to plan, review and manage activities of the BFLGI to ensure effective functioning exclusively for charitable purposes.
- to represent the interests of the BFLGI and to serve as a consultative group on all matters pertaining to the above objectives.